DOE lab: Turbine power plunges when tax credits go away
E&E News, David Iaconangelo
“The lab found that after the first 10 years of operation, wind turbines tended to experience an “abrupt decline” in performance, which continued as time went on. They produced less electricity than possible given wind conditions at a specific site. The sudden drop-off suggested that the plants’ operators were doing something different: Since they could no longer profit from the decade long production tax credit (PTC), companies were doing less to protect against wear and tear, having apparently decided it no longer made good financial sense, according to the paper. After 17 years, the lost energy was equivalent to taking away 1 out of every 10 turbines in a wind farm, said Dev Millstein, a scientist at LBNL and co-author of the study.”
Subsidizing The Slaughter: Big Wind Kills Another Bald Eagle, Gets More Federal Subsidies
Forbes, Robert Bryce
The bottom line here is that “green energy” isn’t free. It depends on multi-billion-dollar infusions from the federal treasury. The wind industry has been given a license to kill America’s wildlife and taxpayers are subsidizing the slaughter.
NY State Clean Energy Funding Graphic
Concerned Citizens for Rural Preservation NNYWIND
CCRP is a group from the Parishville Hopkinton NY area who research information about INDUSTRIAL WIND POWER and then try to inform the local public about Industrial Wind projects. These graphics are an attempt to break down and explore one Industrial Wind topic at a time to try to better understand “how big wind works”. They are, in no way, a complete unraveling of that particular topic and they encourage you to further research each to better educate yourself, your friends and family.
Stop Subsidizing the Big Wind Bullies
New York Post
Robert Bryce
The $18.7 billion sum was obtained by matching ACENY’s membership roster with data from Subsidy Tracker, a program run by Good Jobs First, a Washington-based government-accountability organization. That $18.7 billion includes all federal grants, tax credits, loans, loan guarantees and state subsidies.
The subsidies are corrosive. They encourage wind-energy companies to use legal action to bully rural landowners and small towns. They also induce the wind industry to kill more wildlife, including bats and birds.
Wind power companies get by with a little help from their friends
Watertown Daily Times
Perry White
Robert Bryce, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute who writes extensively about the economics of green energy, believes that wind power subsidies are corrupting the marketplace. And, he said, they allow the wind industry to focus on “social marketing” that is devised to paint the rosiest possible picture of its virtues. “Let me be clear,” Mr. Bryce said, “this is not about climate change. It’s about making money.” Subsidies, he said, “let a bunch of foreign corporations feed on government money.”
Iberdrola of Spain, owner of Avangrid in the U.S. which owns the Maple Ridge Wind farm and is proposing the Horse Creek facility in Clayton, Orleans and Brownville, has received more than $8 billion in energy subsidies since it began doing business here.
Wind-Energy Sector Gets $176 Billion Worth of Crony Capitalism
National Review
Robert Bryce
There’s no doubt that wind-energy capacity has grown substantially in recent years. But that growth has been fueled not by consumer demand, but by billions of dollars’ worth of taxpayer money. According to data from Subsidy Tracker — a database maintained by Good Jobs First, a Washington, D.C.–based organization that promotes “corporate and government accountability in economic development and smart growth for working families” — the total value of the subsidies given to the biggest players in the U.S. wind industry is now $176 billion.
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