Other Health Presentations
September 10, 2019
Public Health Presentation at ECC
Senator Ortt sponsored a public health forum which brought together experts in health, acoustics, noise, and siting issues as they pertain to industrial wind projects in New York State. Panelists included Assemblyman Mike Norris, Rob Rand, member of INCE (Institute of Noise Control Engineers); Jerry Punch, Ph.D., audiologist; Gary Abraham, an environmental attorney; and Dan Stapleton, Niagara County Commissioner of Health. Also individuals shared impacts they’ve experienced while living near industrial wind turbines.
A summary of the event is on the Orleans Hub in the 9/11/19 article “At forum, concerns raised about health impacts from large turbines” by Tom Rivers, Editor.
Or read the summary used by Robert Ortt’s office HERE.
To view ECC Health Presentation Videos click links below:
– Introduction by Senator Robert Ortt and Niagara County Commissioner of Health Dan Stapleton
– Jerry Punch, Ph.D.
Certified audiologist for 50 years. He has held positions as a faculty member, clinical audiologist, teacher, researcher and administrator in several universites. He served as Research Director at the national headquarters of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. He has had a career long interest in community noise and has written about wind turbines and human health, and served as an expert witness on that topic.
– Rob Rand
Member of the Acoustical Society of America and the Institute of Noise Control Engineers with over 30 years of professional experience providing environmental and technical consulting services to power generation, commerce, industry, regulators and communities. He has investigated and tested acoustic emissions and infrasonic barometric pressure pulsations and community noise impact assessment of industrial wind turbines for the last 10 years.
– Gary Abraham
Practices environmental, municipal, and land use law throughout New York State. He has worked with municipalities to draft local ordinances with setbacks to better protect residents from noise, shadow flicker and other intrusive negative effects from wind turbines; and currently represents several communities in Article 10 proceedings.
– Testimonials (Linda Makson, Lynn Bedford, Rebecca Sheldon)
Linda Makson lives in Orangeville and is surrounded by wind turbines and suffers their ill effects; Lynn Bedford lives in Arkwright Hills and says wind turbines are a crime against humanity but she is determined to fight them; Rebecca Sheldon spoke on behalf of two individuals who live within the Maple Ridge and Copenhagen Wind projects in Lewis County.
To view ECC Health Presentation Power Point click links below:
– Jerry Punch, Ph.D
– Rob Rand
ECC Health Presentation additional presentation submitted:
Carmen Krough was scheduled to present but unable to attend. She submitted her presentation and reference summaries to Senator Ortt.
– Carmen Krogh Presentation
Retired pharmacist and published researcher regarding health effects and industrial wind energy facilities and shares information with communities; individuals; federal, provincial and public health authorities, and wind energy developers. An author and a co-author of peer reviewed articles and conference papers presented at wind turbine and other conferences, such as Infrasound and Wind Turbine Study“
August 12, 2019
Professor Alves-Pereira Talk About Infra and Low Frequency Noise at University of Waterloo.
(her talk start at 2:50 and lasts 1 hour, the rest is questions and answers)
Mariana Alves-Pereira holds a B.Sc. in Physics (State University of New York at Stony Brook), a M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences. She joined the multidisciplinary research team investigating the biological response to infrasound and low frequency noise in 1988, and has been the team’s Assistant Coordinator since 1999. Recipient of three scientific awards, and author and co-author of over 50 scientific publications (including peer-reviewed and conference presentations), Dr. Alves-Pereira is currently Associate Professor at Lusófona University teaching Biophysics and Biomaterials in health science programs, as well as Physics and Hygiene in workplace safety & health programs.

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