SOS Industrial Solar Concerns

Save Ontario Shores represents individuals in the towns of Somerset and Yates who share a desire to promote and preserve the rural character of these towns. We question the benefit of large scale industrial solar projects, believing them to be counter to the Comprehensive Plans and Local Waterfront Revitalization Plans of both towns. Local communities must maintain the authority to make decisions regarding any such installation as they will impact the future of the area, local families, health, environment, future economic development and properties. Western New York is now faced with the possibility of massive solar and battery storage projects. The 2,000-acre Ridgeview Solar project in the neighboring towns of Hartland and Newfane and the 900-acre Bear Ridge Solar project in the town of Cambria are two projects which have been proposed for Niagara County. An 1,800-acre project has been proposed by Community Energy in the towns of Barre and Shelby in Orleans County. Others have been proposed and more will soon follow.


Reasons Why Save Ontario Shores is concerned about Industrial Solar Installations:

Home Rule

The decision to install large industrial solar “farms” must continue to be up to the local community. Municipalities should maintain the right to decide where and how large-scale utilities can be placed.

Change in Rural Character

“Preserving the rural character of our Community” is a concept that dates back decades and is imbedded in the Comprehensive Plans and ordinances of Somerset and Yates. Rural communities are being asked to transform their towns from rural agricultural to rural industrial for the benefit of urban communities hundreds of miles away. Consider the concept of Rural Equity– this is our home and we should not be regarded as less important because there are fewer of us, we do not have the per capita income or generate the tax revenue of cities. These projects are being rapidly forced upon communities without reasoned evidence that the benefit sought by the urban areas is tangible and meaningful.

Land Use

Large utility-scale solar panels take up a lot of space, which can result in environmental degradation and habitat loss. Solar projects can inhibit local vegetation growth and damage agriculture, affect existing land usage such as animal grazing, farming, and other agricultural uses. Land is the largest resource of rural communities and they must maintain the ability to determine their zoning. Industrial zoning forced by the State to the extent planned by the State effectively removes local control of zoning.

Harm to Wildlife and Habitat Degradation

The impact that solar projects have on individual species can send ripples throughout entire ecosystems. When these projects harm species within a habitat, they also remove the valuable ecosystem services that the species provide to the habitat. The habitat becomes less diverse and less livable for plants and wildlife that have adapted to its specific conditions.

Destruction of Farmland

The Western New York region is considered a probable area of climate refuge. The prime farmland and proximity to the Great Lakes means this area may offer a haven and the ability to feed people in a time of change, including those living in other parts of the state. The pandemic reminds us of the importance of local food production. The land will only be available for crops, however, if it has not been tainted with the products used to make solar panels, smothered in concrete, or filled with by-products of utility-scale installations.

Toxic Chemicals

The manufacturing of solar cells uses hazardous chemicals. These include hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, acetone, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, and hydrogen fluoride — all of which are detrimental to humans and the environment if handled or discarded improperly. Thin Film photovoltaic cells also contain toxic materials that are detrimental to both humans and the environment, including copper-indium-gallium-diselenide, cadmium telluride, and gallium arsenide. The mined quartz that makes up these cells emit sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide when heated in a furnace before production, and will enter the atmosphere if not adequately filtered. Also, these panels can catch fire and the smoke contains toxic chemicals that will pollute land and animals (including people and pets) that are down wind. These fires are often allowed to just burn themselves out.


Manufacturing processes are associated with greenhouse gas emissions. Nitrogen trifluroide and sulfur hexafluoride has been traced back to the production of solar panels. These are some of the most potent greenhouse gases and have many thousand times the impact on global warming compared to carbon dioxide. Consider the proximity to Great Lakes — streams and creeks that feed into the lakes run through the project area. Even though most solar projects state that they will use active farmland, they also have included that forests may have to be removed. This results in the removal of mature trees — that both take CO2 out of the atmosphere and store carbon — to replace them with solar panels that require great quantities of fossil fuels to produce.

Rare Materials

Solar cells require materials that are expensive and rare. This includes thin-film solar cells that are based on either cadmium telluride (CdTe) or copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS). Another point of concern in the manufacture of solar panels is that the silver content used in the module is a dangerous waste material. Producing these panels in high quantities could also lead to the depletion of silver resources.

Water Use

Creating energy with solar photovoltaic panels is a water-intensive process. Even though the solar cells themselves don’t use water to generate electricity, the manufacturing process requires large quantities of water.


Clearing and grading land for construction results in compacted soil, alterations of drainage channels, and increased erosion. Manufacturing, transportation, installation, maintenance, decommissioning and dismantling of solar cells and panels all contribute to the release of carbon dioxide. If new electric transmission lines or related facilities were needed to service new solar energy development, construction, operation and decommissioning of the transmission facilities could also cause a variety of environmental impacts, including tree removal.

Recycling of Solar Panels

Current methods for recycling of solar panels would be damaging to local environments if disposed of locally. Glass and metal are stripped from the unit and the remains are either land filled or burned, releasing toxic material into the environment. Future disposal of units could number in the millions as the panels reach the end of their useful life. This will become an issue in the coming decades when solar panels become decommissioned and need to be replaced. As it stands right now, there aren’t enough places that can recycle old panels, and there aren’t enough panels to make the recycling process economically viable. Additionally, how do you remove glass from the soil if a panel is broken? In some desert areas where utility solar panels were first placed in service and are now no longer in use, the panels have not been removed or they are removed yet the land is degraded and has not returned to viable farmland or diverse natural habitat.


Solar energy is an intermittent energy source. Access to sunlight is limited at certain times. Predicting overcast days can be difficult. This is why solar power is not the first choice when it comes to meeting the base load energy demand. Western New York is already powered by renewable energy from Niagara Falls, a very reliable source. This requires a redundancy of energy production and highlights the questionable benefit yet very tangible burdens on local communities.

Federal, State, and Local Subsidies

Subsidized renewables have distorted the electricity grid. Wind and solar power do not provide the same value to the grid as conventional electricity sources. In addition to not operating on-demand, they provide little of the capacity value that is needed to maintain long-term reliability and cannot provide the essential reliability services the grid needs. State subsidies for renewables also have not lowered consumer electricity costs but increased them in part because our electricity fees are used to fund these projects.

Local Jobs

One local proposed project has signs declaring the potential jobs that will be created. There may be construction jobs associated with the building of a solar installation but that same project team made clear at their open house that the project would be monitored 24 hours a day – from San Diego, California. It is unlikely to provide long term employment in the area.

Brown Fields

If industrial solar projects are built they should use brown field sites. Using already-contaminated land for new solar projects lessens the pressure to build solar projects in open spaces, desert habitat, or on farmland.


Lockport Union-Sun & Journal December 24, 2024
Somerset solar array receives final siting permit
Staff Reports
Approval of a final siting permit was granted by the New York State Office of Renewable Energy Siting and Electric Transmission for the 125 megawatt Somerset Solar project. The Somerset solar project is the first ORES permit issued for a renewable energy facility on a repurposed industrial site. Litigation by the Town of Somerset, over state waivers of local laws that would restrict the project, ended with a settlement agreement between the town and AES Clean Energy in September.

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal July 29, 2024
Arguments heard on both sides of Somerset solar project
Thomas Tedesco
In a virtual hearing before administrative law judges Henry James Joseph and John Favreau, attorneys from the town of Somerset, Somerset Solar LLC and state Office of Renewable Energy Siting discussed whether the town has a legal basis to treat the northern portion of the proposed project site differently than portions south of Lake Road. The town argued against the company receiving partial relief on issues concerning the use of “prime farmland”, and that the land on the north and south sides of the road should be treated as separate parcels in an effort to “mitigate” the project’s impact on farmland. They also discussed ORES reversing course on granting the company a waiver on minimum property setbacks that they initially had upheld from the town’s original solar siting law.

Niagara Gazette May 16, 2024
Niagara County Legislator airs concerns about Somerset Solar Project
Thomas Tedesco
Niagara County Legislator Shawn Foti sent letters to AES Clean Energy Development LLC and ORES raising concerns about parts of the proposed Somerset Solar project being sited on prime farmland. “As I understand it, ORES is mandated to mitigate the use of agricultural land for solar projects and the new state RAPID Act clearly states that such land should not be used unless it is unavoidable. When it comes to the Somerset project, the use of agricultural land is COMPLETELY AVOIDABLE,” Foti wrote in the letter. At a Somerset town board meeting, town Supervisor Jeff Dewart acknowledged that while they intend to challenge the waivers ORES granted to the company, they anticipate the state will ultimately uphold several of them.

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal April 24, 2024
Town of Somerset has lingering concerns about proposed solar project
Thomas Tedesco
ORES has issued a draft permit to Somerset Solar LLC for its proposed 125-megawatt solar array on a portion of the 1,800 acres that once hosted Somerset Generation Station. The Town of Somerset plans to apply for party status “to challenge certain local law waivers suggested in the draft permit. It’s their only opportunity to get in front of an Administrative Law Judge to raise any issues. Their attorney declined to specifically identify which permit conditions the town is looking to challenge, but in the draft permit, Somerset Solar got partial relief on issues concerning “prime farmland” as well as decommissioning standards set by the town. ORES also said the town’s law on hazardous materials is unreasonably burdensome.

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal January 29 2024
Solar moratorium approved by Hartland town board
Thomas Tedesco
Following a contentious public hearing that lasted for over an hour, the town board adopted a six-month moratorium to town processing of any applications for permits related to utility-scale solar development in a 3-0 vote. This will give the town board an opportunity to review and make amendments to the two laws the town board adopted last June pertaining to the siting of solar arrays and spelling out the town’s policy on battery storage. Those who spoke in favor of the moratorium expressed concerns over setbacks, a potential negative impact on property value, loss of prime agricultural land, wildlife displacement, and potential dangers of lithium-ion batteries that would be used for energy storage. Resident Linda Ark, who said she may lease some of her land to EDF, said “I don’t think you need the moratorium, but if that’s what it takes to bring peace and decorum to our town and to weave people back to any sense of community, absolutely that should happen.”

The Buffalo News January 15 2024
Marilla curbs solar projects: ‘We didn’t realize what the impact was’
Barbara O’Brien
Renewable Properties leases about 24 acres of land on Bullis Road for a solar array. They have applied for two more similar projects, on Two Rod Road and Stolle Road. Town officials have been concerned that solar arrays are being erected on valuable farmland and have a negative visual impact. They recently unanimously approved a new law governing solar energy systems. The two proposed projects are grandfathered in under the old law, but need to abide by more requirements for approval. The town now requires a full environmental impact statement – a more comprehensive environmental review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act – for the two new applications. The new law sets up a solar overlay district in the southeast section of town that is the only area where solar projects will be allowed. It also requires a minimum setbacks from any public roads, occupied residences, and property lines bordering any school, or public park.

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal June 15 2023
Hartland town board approves new solar laws
Thomas Tedesco
The Hartland Town Board has approved two new local laws related to solar energy generation. The laws, one pertaining to the siting of solar arrays and the other spelling out the town’s policy on battery storage, were passed by a 4-0 vote of the town board June 15. Several town residents attended the board meeting to express their opposition to the local laws and the project itself. Among their listed concerns, the most prominent are the close proximity of solar arrays to residences, potential negative environmental impacts on nearby farmland and reduced property values. While the local laws have been passed, Ridge View Solar Center is a long way off from coming to fruition. EDF Renewables has not yet applied to the state Office of Renewable Energy Siting for a permit.

Orleans Hub January 31, 2023
Murray proposes ordinance with 4 tiers for solar projects
Tom Rivers
The Town of Murray’s proposed solar law includes four tiers for projects rather than 2 like most of the other towns. Tier 1 (Capacity up to 25 kW), permitted in all zoning districts and exempt from site plan review. Tier 2 (Capacity up to 1 megawatt), permitted in all zoning districts as accessory structures and subject to site plan review. Tier 3 (Capacity up to 5 megawatts and up to 40 acres in size), issuance of special use permit and site plan review, and permitted in residential/agricultural and industrial zones. Tier 4 (projects not included in tiers 1, 2 or 3), issuance of special use permit and site plan review, and permitted in residential/agricultural and industrial zones; eligible for solar systems PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) and will require a host community agreement fee. The County Planning Board recommending Murray approve the proposed regulations.

RealClear Energy January 12, 2023
Solar Energy Rejections Soared in 2022
Robert Bryce
Nearly 80 rural governments either banned or restricted solar energy projects last year, part of the ongoing backlash in rural America against the encroachment of large wind and solar projects. Instead of reporting the story about the fight over wind and solar projects honestly legacy media outlets are using a false narrative that implies rural residents are simply hayseeds who are being deluded by “misinformation” provided by nefarious (but unnamed) actors. Here’s the truth: rural communities are blocking wind and solar projects because they are concerned about their neighborhoods, viewsheds, property values and the health impacts that noise pollution from big turbines generate.

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal February 22, 2023
Solar company loses acreage in Cambria
Benjamin Joe
An administrative law judge has ruled that Cypress Creek Renewables, the company behind the Bear Ridge Solar project, cannot install solar arrays on acreage previously zoned Planned Unit Development where solar energy generation is excluded as a permitted use. Although the Town of Cambria did not get party status and with it, an adjudication hearing on a variety of issues raised, Favreau’s ruling on the PUD issue upholds the concept of Home Rule and is “a substantial victory for the town,” the town’s special attorney, Dennis Vacco said. The ruling did go against the town’s position on issues including glare from solar panels, decommissioning, use of prime farmland and limiting solar facilities siting to certain land zones only. The Town of Cambria and Cypress Creek Renewables are both appealing this ruling.

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal December 10, 2023
Final public hearings for Cambria solar project
Benjamin Joe
Cambria Opposition to Industrial Solar is encouraging people to attend the public hearings regarding the Bear Ridge Solar Project by Cypress Creek Renewables. ORES issued a draft permit for the project overriding some of Cambria and Pendleton solar laws calling them “unreasonably burdensome. The town’s solar law stipulated solar projects of this size should be put on industrial property and not eat up the available agriculture property prized by its residents. Another issue at stake is “home rule,” the right of local government to govern what happens within its borders. There are also concerns about stormwater spilling off the land where solar panels are to be installed into Bull Creek.

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal August 2, 2022
Bear Ridge Solar application deemed ‘complete’
Benjamin Joe
Office of Renewable Energy Siting deemed Cypress Creek Renewables’ application for a permit on a 100-megawatt project in Cambria and Pendleton to be “complete.” and has 60 days to release a draft siting permit for public comment. Just as ORES released its determination, an appeal was filed with the 3rd Department of the Appellate Division by several towns and incorporated entities including Cambria Opposition to Industrial Solar, Inc. (COIS), American Bird Conservancy and the towns of Farmersville, Malone, Somerset and Yates. Their lawsuit against ORES, challenging its uniform standards and regulations, was dismissed in state Supreme Court earlier this year.

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal July 14, 2022
Independent consultant asked to weigh in on Hartland solar project
Benjamin Joe
In June, the Town of Hartland sent out a mailing to its residents regarding the Ridge View Solar Project, announced in 2019. Hartland Supervisor, Ross Annable, hired BE3corp, an engineering firm with a background in environmental consultation as an “independent” to study the pros and cons of the project. In mailing BE3corp responded to comments in a memorandum form regarding several issues, including hunting, the size of the project, zoning changes, battery storage systems and how much money EDF stands to make in this project, as well as how much taxing entities like the town stood to gain. The mailing also included a letter from the Hartland Town Board and a survey.

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal June 22, 2022
Newfane reaches deal on solar projects
Benjamin Joe
The town board approved host community agreements with Omni Navitas Holdings LLC planning two solar power generation projects in the town, which include the 5 megawatt project of Patrick Danebrock of Drake Settlement Road, and the three 5 megawatt projects of Nouryon Chemicals LLC of Lockport-Olcott Road. The agreements require that Omni pay the sum of $3,500 per megawatt of generated power each year for each solar project. The Dannebrock solar energy project had its area variance approved by the town’s zoning board due to the towns solar energy law forbidding the construction of solar projects on parcels of land that have at least 50% Prime Farmland.

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal June 20, 2022
State solar ruling felt in Cambria, Pendleton
Benjamin Joe
In a ruling issued on June 13, administrative law judges ruled that the Towns of Rush and Caledonia, and RUSH (Residents United to Save Our Hometown) did not merit party status or bring any kind of substantiated issues in its fight against the Horseshoe Solar Energy Solar Project. The Towns of Cambria and Pendleton and COIS (Cambria Opposes Industrial Solar) are in a similar situation. Ed Saleh, president of COIS, and was outraged by the move by the state agency, and hopes to have more substantial claims locally.

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal April 1, 2022
Ridge View Solar developer still at work behind the scenes
Benjamin Joe
Development of Ridge View Solar Center, a proposed 350 megawatt generation facility scattered over 2,000-plus acres in Hartland, is still in its early phases. Before it can even begin, there are several permits and studies that the company must obtain including wetlands and archeological impact studies. A local grassroots group Preserve Our Rural Communities (PORC) sprouted quickly to oppose the project. EDF Renewables started its bid for state approval to operate a utility under the Article 10 process but has decided to transition to Article 94 which critics view as more sympathetic to energy developers than host communities. They hope to work with the community and find a compromise between state and local standards.

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal March 29, 2022
Bear Ridge Solar takes another step
Benjamin Joe
Cypress Creek Renewables, the company behind the proposed Bear Ridge Solar Project in the Towns of Cambria and Pendleton, has submitted its response to the Office of Renewable Energy Siting (ORES) Notice of Incomplete Application. The Towns of Cambria and Pendleton have been advocating to stop the project, along with the group Cambria Opposition against Industrial Solar (COIS). All three entities have applied for and received intervenor funds from the state to put place towards their cause.

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal February 14, 2022
Solar company’s application incomplete for now
Benjamin Joe
The Pendelton/Cambria Bear Ridge Solar Project application took a hit after the Office of Renewable Energy Siting (ORES) turned it back to Cypress Creek Renewables as incomplete in late January. Cambria Opposition to Industrial Solar (COIS) group has received $15,000 in local agency funds from ORES and plans to use those funds to fight the 900-acre, 100-Megawatt solar energy facility. An additional $85,000 in local agency funds were awarded to the Towns of Cambria and Pendleton with $51,000 and $34,000 respectively, according to Cambria Supervisor Wright Ellis and Pendleton Supervisor Joel Maerten. Ellis said he received a letter regarding the application’s status from ORES and that a lot of the items cited were areas allies including COIS and Pendleton would’ve objected even if the siting agency had not intervened.

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal February 1, 2022
Solar projects on hold another six months in Town of Lockport
Benjamin Joe
This past year, the town saw a large public outcry regarding a solar project along Slayton Settlement Road. In the end, the project was OK’d on the grounds that the landowner and solar company had gone through and met all requirements that the local solar law asked for. However, officials also decided to enact a pause that would eliminate any similar project from moving forward for six months starting in July. “Right now, we’re still on a fact gathering mission on a lot of what’s going on related to these solar laws,” Councilmen Paul Siejack said. “I think we need to look at our screening. I think it needs to be tightened up. Some setback issues I think need to be tightened up. Also, the battery energy storage system needs to be addressed, because our current law is very vague.

Orleans Hub December 27, 2021
Orleans asks state to develop recycling regulations for solar panels
Tom Rivers
The Orleans County Legislature last week passed a resolution that stated there is a rise in the use of solar panels, which has led to an accumulation of waste at the end of the life of the panels. The solar panels contain recyclable aluminum, glass and plastic, as well as photovoltaic cells, which contain various valuable materials and rare metals, legislators said. “Proper recycling of the solar panels will ensure that these materials and metals are able to be reused, but also ensures that the panels do not prematurely enter the waste stream where they can have potential negative environmental effects,” county legislators stated in their resolution. Legislators are urging the state to develop “a convenient, safe and environmentally sound system for the recycling of photovoltaic modules, the minimization of hazard waste, and the recovery of commercially valuable materials.”

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal December 20, 2021
Bear Ridge Solar Project advances
Benjamin Joe
Cypress Creek Renewables submitted its application for state approval of the proposed Bear Ridge Solar Project in the towns of Cambria and Pendleton on Dec 2nd. The project, a 100-megawatt utility spread over 900 acres, has met with stiff opposition locally by residents. Cambria Opposition to Industrial Solar, hired attorneys to examine the application who are honing in on the portions related to chemicals leaking from solar panels, habitat for raptors and fire protection training for local fire companies, according to activist Ed Saleh. COIS is also appealing a lawsuit brought by municipalities from across the state and other activist groups together to claim ORES committed a procedural error when it made final the siting regulations for solar and wind energy projects.

The Washington Post Sept 22, 2021
Solar energy’s luster dims in rural southern Ohio
Gary Abernathy
A public meeting in Highland County on the subject in May turned heated. One area resident who is also a clerk for the county commission seemed to speak for many when she said, “I think that citizens with skin in the game should have the authority to approve or disapprove these projects at a local level and not some panel of individuals in Columbus.” Similar opposition spread in rural areas in Ohio and elsewhere across the nation. Under pressure over the summer, the Ohio legislature passed a bill, signed by Gov. Mike DeWine (R), empowering local elected officials to reject, ban or restrict solar and wind projects.

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal August 17, 2021
Maverick Farms to host solar array
Benjamin Joe
The Slayton Settlement Project’s special permit was approved by the Town of Lockport Planning Board Tuesday night for the 45-acre solar array located on Karl Kowalski’s Maverick Farms property. Renewable Properties offered the mitigations that New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets was asking for.

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal July 6, 2021
Planning board balks at solar farm’s next step
Benjamin Joe
Barbara Outten of Protect Our Rural Communities (PORC) noted that the proceedings showed the project was not in order – a declaration of negative SEQR, a lack of or little environmental impact, was withheld for the time being because of a point on the impact of sheep grazing amongst the solar panels. Also the town has to responded to information requested by the New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets (AG & Markets). The Slayton Settlement solar farm proposal met with stiff opposition from residents.

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal June 11, 2021
Solar panels eyed for closed Somerset Power Station
Benjamin Joe
Applied Energy Services (AES) has proposed the Somerset Solar Project, a 140- to 200-megawatt solar energy farm of 1,000-acres on and around the former Somerset Coal Power Station. The property is currently owned by Somerset Operating Company and another company called Beowulf Energy which AES intends to lease land from in order to complete the project. An open house was held June 14, 2021 by AES to assess the level of support in the community.

Orleans Hub May 28, 2021
4 solar projects in Orleans get OK from Planning Board
Tom Rivers
The Orleans County Planning Board on Thursday voted in favor of four solar projects in county with two in Albion, one in Kendall and one in Carlton. The Planning Board recommended each town accept the site plans and issue permits for the projects. The projects are all on land that is currently being farmed.

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal May 25, 2021
Solar farms sought for industrial-zoned site in Newfane
Benjamin Joe
Three 5-megawatt solar farms eyed for industrial-zoned property owned by Nouryon Chemicals on Lockport Olcott Road were up for discussion at Monday night’s town planning board meeting. The solar law for the Town of Newfane was drafted in February and prohibited building solar energy sites on “prime farmland soil” and on properties north of the old New York Central Railroad right-of-way which ran east-west from Barker to Burt.

Lockport Union Sun & Journal March 23, 2021
NIAGARA COUNTY: Backs new local law that would require manufacturers to pay to recycle their products.
Rick Pfeiffer
The Niagara County Legislature has set a public hearing for next month on a proposed new local law that would set new rules on the recycling of solar panels. The new local law would require that solar panel manufacturers finance the recovery and recycling of any of their solar panels installed in Niagara County when a panel needs to be replaced. “We are doing everything we can to battle against Governor Cuomo’s efforts to strip away local decision-making on where these green energy projects can be located in Niagara County,” Godfrey said. “But we need to be prepared to protect our community from becoming a depository for spent solar panels that contain hazardous waste, even for solar projects that enjoy the support from local residents.

Lockport Union Sun & Journal February 24, 2021
Newfane airs draft solar siting law
Benjamin Joe
The proposed Town of Newfane Solar Energy Local Law would declare the northernmost portion of the town off limits to large scale solar energy generation. Among other things, the law calls for the protection of  “prime farmland soil” and a complete ban on utility scale solar energy generation facilities on land north of the old New York Central Railroad right-of-way. The reasoning behind both rules is that the character of Newfane is in its farmland, according to town planning board chairman Bill Clark. The sole purpose is to protect the Town of Newfane the best we can from Article 94. If (large facilities) do go in, we want to have as much control as we possibly can without the state thinking we’re stepping over our boundaries and stepping in and overriding us.

Buffalo News December 22, 2020
Niagara County towns plan tougher regulations on solar power as new projects surface (link to attached document)
Thomas J. Prohaska
Two of Niagara County’s largest towns, Lewiston and Wheatfield, have responded to plans for new solar power projects in their communities with plans for tougher laws regulating them. The Lewiston Town Board will vote Monday on a revised local law requiring fields of solar panels to be located farther away from roads and homes than before. The Wheatfield Town Board has scheduled a Jan. 25 public hearing on a six-month solar moratorium. The new Lewiston law amends one passed in 2018 by banning battery storage of power in a rural-residential zone. Such batteries would only be allowed in industrial zones. It also says any solar array must be at least 700 feet from the nearest road or dwelling. The array must be surrounded by a fence of “natural color” at least 8 feet tall, with barbed wire not allowed. The entire site must be screened from view with trees or other vegetation.

Orleans Hub October 29, 2020
Many reasons to reject industrial solar projects, which threaten the countryside
Jim Hoffman
The heavy promotion of industrial solar electric generating installations and their many claimed “benefits” demand further scrutiny: Backup Power Needed; Load Mismatch; Battery Storage; Destruction of Farmland, Forests , Grasslands, Wetlands; Environmental Damage; Subsidies. Serious issues involving industrial solar installations alter the physical and social framework of a community. The same is true of industrial wind. Other options exist to clean up the environment.

Lockport Union Sun & Journal October 20, 2020
County opts out of green-energy tax exemption
Benjamin Joe and Rick Pfeiffer
For Niagara County Legislator David Godfrey the legislative battle over opting out of a state-authorized property tax exemption for solar and wind energy systems had nothing to do with going green. He said the issue was “local control” versus a “top down” set of alternative energy incentives passed on from Albany. We are sending a message. If a project comes to Niagara County and has no community support, there will be no tax breaks.

Orleans Hub February 4, 2020
Public Should Attend Town Board Meetings about Solar and Battery Storage Projects
Heidi Marciniak, Ridgeway Resident
Ridgeway is just the first of numerous solar projects being presented to our community and neighboring communities. This project alone would consist of 11,000 solar panels and a 3MW lithium ion battery which is the size of a tractor trailer. There are numerous concerns regarding a battery of this nature being installed near our residences.

New York Times March 18, 2020
He Set Up a Big Solar Farm. His Neighbors Hated It
Sarah Maslin Nir, Lewiston NY
A push toward renewable energy is facing resistance in rural areas where conspicuous panels are affecting vistas and squeezing small farmers who lease land parcels from bigger farmers or landowners. They fear that they will be squeezed out by energy companies willing to pay more to use farmland for their solar cells. Dropping them in the middle of an agricultural, residential community disrupts a way of life.

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